公司自创立之初便奠定了国际化创新基础,由美国硬件孵化器HAX孵化,先后荣获云天使,SOSV,东方证券,深创投,真格等一线基金投资,以推动全球业务的快速增长。秉持“Enjoy Robots World”的愿景,大象机器人从生活乐趣和工作效率出发,已自主研发机器人产品包括仿生机器人(MarsCat火星猫),消费级协作机器人(myCobot/myPalletizer/myAGV),专业级协作机器人(P/C/myCobot Pro及关节模组)。
2021年,大象机器人产品广泛应用于智能制造生产、商业场景、科研教育、家居生活等多个领域,其产品质量及智慧方案备受全球市场关注,以中,英,美,德,法,日等地为核心市场,全球销量超过一万台。 未来,大象机器人希望通过新一代尖端科技推动机器人产业发展,携手与客户伙伴们共同开启自动化智能化新时代。
Elephant Robotics is a technology firm specializing in the design and production of robotics, development and applications of operating system and intelligent manufacturing services in industry, commerce, education, scientific research, home and etc.
On mission to “Enjoy Robots World”, Elephant Robotics has independently developed Collaborative Robots (Elephant Robotics®P/C/E Series) and Bionic Robots (MarsCat).
The collaborative robots manufactured by Elephant Robotics have been sold to Korea, Japan, the United States, Germany, Italy, Greece and other countries. Under the harsh verification of real working conditions in the companies from the Fortune 500 Companies, the smart solutions and product quality of Elephant Robotics have been unanimously recognized and praised.