Ekologi brez meja se zavzemamo za svet brez odpadkov, ki ga skušamo doseči z ozaveščanjem, aktivacijo in predvsem povezovanjem posameznikov, odločevalcev in organizacij. Naše poslanstvo je odkrivanje novih tem in zagotavljanje podatkov, s katerimi lahko vplivamo na spremembe politik in navad. Smo mnenjski voditelji na področju odpadkov, ki svoje napore usmerjamo predvsem v preprečevanje nastajanja odpadkov.
Ecologists without Borders is a non-profit from Slovenia founded in 2009 and one of the leading Slovenian NGOs dedicated to improving the state of our environment — focusing on efficient resource use and active citizenship.
Our mission is activation, motivation and cooperation of individuals, communities, policy makers, industry, businesses and researchers in the area of an efficient use of natural resources with the aim to reduce costs, preserve energy and create new green jobs. We educate and build opportunities for waste prevention, separate collection, recycling and composting of materials in waste.
Most of our activities deal with waste at its source, but not all are limited to Slovenia. We're an active member of Zero Waste Europe, Let's do it world! and some other networks.