Education for Nature Vietnam (ENV) was established in 2000 as Vietnam’s first non-governmental organization focused on the conservation of nature and protection of the environment. ENV works to protect the environment by tackling the biggest threat to biodiversity: the illegal wildlife trade. To combat Vietnam's rampant illegal wildlife trade, we integrate three strategic approaches:
· Wildlife Crime Unit. A team of case officers take thousands of reports of wildlife crime, documenting progress throughout the investigation and updating informants when progress has been made. ENV works with provincial authorities to legally confiscate wildlife and wildlife products while facilitating the transfer of live animals to rescue centers. (To report wildlife crime in Vietnam call 1-800-1522 or email
· Communications & Public Awareness. This team educates people all over Vietnam about the importance of wildlife to maintain biodiversity in Vietnam, the world’s 16th most biologically diverse country. They organize wildlife conservation seminars, events and competitions for students all over Vietnam, from primary to university. This team also produces Public Service Announcements (PSA) on TV and radio stations across the country to inform millions that wildlife products have no medicinal properties and participating in the wildlife trade can result in prison time. Additionally, the ENV team goes into the field to educate people in small cities and towns while taking surveys on consumer demand.
· Policy & Legislation. ENV’s legal team works closely with prosecutors and judges to ensure wildlife criminals face the full extent of the law (up to 15 years in prison and over $600,000 USD in fines). This team also advocates for improved legislation regarding wildlife protection and management of wildlife facilities by working with the Vietnamese government and international organizations to update laws and legal loopholes in Vietnam.