EdVisions is a Minnesota based non-profit educational development organization focused on innovation through personalization, teacher and student empowerment and student-driven, project-based learning. Since 2000, EdVisions has helped to create and sustain a network of public charter schools across the U.S. using the EdVisions model. Our organization provides support for school transformation and new school development, including coaching, workshops, conferences, access to research and a variety of instructional and assessment tools.
Our mission is to help create and sustain great schools. Our vision is to work with public and private partners to help create and transform schools that prepare students for college, careers and global citizenship using the most student-centered teaching and learning.
Education Administration Programs
HQ Location
Henderson , MN 56044, US
Public charter school developmentStudent-driven, project-based learningTeacher and student empowermentPersonalized educationSchool transformation strategiesInstructional methodologiesAssessment methodologies
School transformation supportNew school developmentCoaching servicesWorkshopsConferencesInstructional toolsAssessment toolsAccess to research
Project-based learningCharter School policyTeacher Professional Development