EcoPlanet Environmental LLC was formed to solve many of the environmental issues facing the world. Our innovative technology is the result of the work of Dr. Gary Strobel. Dr Strobel is recognized as the world's expert in the study of endophytes. Endophytics is the study of endophytes which are fungi that live in most plants and produce unique compounds whose purpose is to provide protection to their host plants. Known as "The Father of Endophytics" he has been referred to as the "Indiana Jones of Fungus" by the Wall Street Journal. Dr. Strobel has traveled to over 80 countries in search of these unique organisms.
EcoPlanet Environmental is engaged in the innovative and natural treatment of human and animal waste problems. Our business is to provide solutions to a problem that mankind has faced throughout history. The result of contact with human and animal waste causes, diarrhea, malnutrition, serious disease and death. Indeed, diseases from waste are the leading cause of death among children worldwide. EcoPlanet is working diligently to solve this problem by providing products that provide solutions. We offer these products for specific uses including pets, livestock, and human waste treatment, transport and disposal.