Motto: Nature Conservation as a Way of Life
EwA reconciles attitude, science/knowledge & behavior, and connects with the ecological reality.
» Engage through Direct Experiences & Co-creative Citizen Science
» Cultivate Practical Ecology, Literacy & Ethics
» Reconcile Environmental Attitude, Science & Behavior
In the tradition of renowned citizen naturalists of the past, Earthwise Aware (EwA) promotes nature conservation as a way of life through advocacy and citizen science.
EwA connects our communities to the surprising variety, ingenuity and interconnectedness of nature through public nature and biodiversity events. These events nurture new natural history enthusiasts, conservation stewards and ecology advocates.
Citizen science is rapidly becoming a driving force for studying nature and helping scientists conserve ecosystems. Nature conservation starts where we live. Our local communities get a chance to experience what this means first-hand through EwA’s citizen science program. EwA sponsors ecological projects by training community volunteers to collect detailed quality climate and ecosystem data at several established field sites.
Unlike citizen naturalists of the past, EwA citizen scientists utilize technology to collect data that fill critical data gaps. Citizen scientists follow rigorous protocols and use specialized apps to compile robust data about pollinators and their host plants, arthropod and bird abundance, timing of plant and animal life events, habitat degradation, and more.
For professional naturalists, scientists, and land managers, the data is invaluable and not available any other way. For the volunteers, this is important and enriching work. It increases the understanding of the interconnectedness of our ecosystems and their natural histories, and gives an opportunity to contribute toward their conservation.