There’s only one spaceship earth, and your mission as a player and participant is to help save it. That’s the goal of Earthshot™, a non-profit founded to inspire people to take an active role in combatting climate change through video games and compelling immersive experiences offering a powerful, positive, cleantech message.
We are developing video games and experiences that have a uniquely effective messaging platform: cleantech is cool and exciting! Evoking a level of excitement akin to the ‘moonshot’ - the Apollo mission’s race to the moon - a new generation of dreamers, inventors, and everyone else - are subtly recruited to help save spaceship Earth.
Our games, add-ons to existing games, and experiences will be fun and engaging for all different players. From racing games, to role-playing and third person shooter games, gamers will want to play for fun, but then for the planet too. While participating in the mission, individual competitive gamers will come to realize they can take action to solve climate change – and this will empower them to do more.
To help achieve this goal, Earthshot is looking for like-minded collaborators to help us build the games and experiences, as well as sponsors, and partners, so that the solutions to climate change are implemented now.