Ear Candle Productions is a San Francisco small business, registered and licensed to operate for profit. We make audio and video products created by us, captured from our own resources. Our website is secure. All money transactions (sales of music) can be conducted through our Bandcamp pages. We are uploading all of our videos for free right now to both YOUTUBE and Archive.org/earcandleproductions.
And Debra Mary Simpson Siebor Nicholson Bassham NOTE: her maiden name and 3 marriage names are legal variations over 72 years. As an artist, she goes by Davis Jones after her Mother, whose maiden name is Mary Davis Jones. Her mother worked for Bethlehem Stainless Steel during the war. Her father Joseph Bernard Simpson, also hailed from Baltimore, Maryland, and served in the US Navy. He became a self-employed Baker once settled.
If we have contributed to your ability to become part of history by posting movies we made of you to The National Archives, and you have the mean, please make a donation to Ear Candle Productions to Paypal at earcandle@earcandleproductions.com.
Thank you to those who have donated. We are senior citizens now, and Davis has always spoken her mind, and for that has not been allowed to get a job, even though she has a BA in Communications, and MA. ED ITEC, with honors and has provided GAAP Accounting Services to the BAY Area Start-Up companies since 1980. Prior to that, she worked at Johns Hopkins University in the Controller's Office in Baltimore MD, before she moved to San Francisco, CA to become educated.
She opened Nicholson Business Services at $50 hr from 1981 to 2017, grateful to have skills to bring forth the new generation of small businesses without the interruption of the status quo that hates progress. Visit our https://nicholsonbusinessservices.com and https://noodlebrain.com for more of her contributions during this lifetime.