Centre of Equality, Social Organization, and Performance (ESOP) is a research centre funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN) as a Centre of Excellence (CoE) at the Department of Economics.
ESOP was established January 1, 2007.
The general objectives of ESOP are:
To explore the links between equality, social organization, and economic performance, both in rich and poor countries.
The ambitions are:
- to confront economic theory with the Nordic lessons: do we need to change the basic behavioral and institutional assumptions or can the Nordic lessons be explained in a standard economic approach when only the details get right?
- to understand the linkages between economic performance, distribution, and social disparities: What are the costs and benefits of more equality?
- to explore the sustainability of generous welfare states and the viability of egalitarian market economies: What determine their performance and their economic and political feasibility?
- to understand the interaction between policies, institutions and long term development: What set of policies and institutions may generate an egalitarian development path within a consistent arrangement?
- to bring these research topics to the international research frontier: What are the general lessons for economics?