Who We Are
We are one of the nation’s largest independent brokerage, consulting and financial services firms. Bringing value to our relationships through service is our goal. We believe every interaction is an opportunity to serve you by reducing your risk, improving your business financial performance while ensuring your culture is what is intended. For over 40 years we have been providing the highest level of service to our client-partners and earned our role as the premier service provider.
What We Do
We are the premier brokerage, consulting, risk management and financial services provider. Through client-partnerships we develop individualized solutions, characterized by industry and service type. Through our carrier relationships we negotiate your industry’s lowest total cost risk management solution. As your consultant and adviser we help develop the systems that manage your exposures while giving you the tools to improve efficiency and mold culture. Our results oriented programs deliver the tools to attract top talent and keep them. Through our financial services partnerships we ensure you have the team, credit facility and systems to measure, manage and continuously improve your organization.
Enterprise Risk Management
This concept is so integral to our mission that we named our company for it. Through our client-partnerships, we evaluate all areas of risk and develop comprehensive, enterprise-level solutions. Focusing on Total Cost Management, we formulate the solution that optimizes coverage at the lowest total cost. As consultants and advisers, we work with you to manage exposures, develop and implement plans to control and reduce losses while ensuring compliance.