EOS Surfaces

EOS Surfaces specializes in Medical Device with 11 employees
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About EOS Surfaces
EOScu , a Preventive|Biocidal Surface™, is an EPA-registered hard surface material that kills bacteria using embedded cuprous oxide. Unlike other materials that have an ingredient (additive) that protects the product from mold, mildew or odors, EOScu actually protects the user from disease-causing pathogens. The EPA-registered public health claims state that the material continuously and actively kills harmful bacteria in less than two hours, even after recontamination. EOScu’s efficacy is demonstrated in a number of independent, peer-reviewed studies published in leading infection prevention journals. Published clinical trials show statistically significant reductions in infection rates and lower mean bioburden beyond 30 hours. In the largest known study of copper-impregnated surfaces and textiles, EOScu and cuprous-oxide textiles were shown to reduce rates of multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) and Clostridium difficile infections. For full access to the studies, please visit www.eoscu.com. EOScu is a material that can be fabricated just like any other hard surface, thermoformed, and even injection molded into any conceivable shape. Rapidly-deployed bedrails and overbed tables enable a facility to install biocidal materials on high-touch surfaces in a matter of days, while counter-tops and vanities can be installed into new facilities or retrofitted into existing spaces. EOS Surfaces, LLC is a horizontal surfacing supply and technology developer and provider. Founded in 2005 on the principal of innovation, EOS Surfaces offers a variety of progressive surface materials to meet the varied needs of a discerning marketplace.
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Medical Device
HQ Location
301 East 20th Street Norfolk, VA 23517, US
Development of biocidal materialsCuprous oxide technologySurface fabricationInfection control solutionsEPA registrationPeer-reviewed clinical studiesMaterial science
EOScuPreventive|Biocidal SurfaceHard surface materialThermoformed surfacesInjection molded surfacesRapidly-deployed bedrailsOverbed tablesCountertopsVanities
Preventive|Biocidal Surfaces(TM)Cupron Enhanced EOS SurfacesEOScuEPA Registered Antimicrobial Surface EOScuGEOS Recycled Glass Sustainable Surface
EOS Surfaces Location
  • 301 East 20th Street Norfolk, VA 23517, US

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