We believe the more connected people are, the more opportunities they have. That's why we help create a brilliant connected future for everyone, everyday.
That’s why we build technology and content solutions that are simple and easy to use.
In the 21st century, opportunity belongs to connected businesses, governments, communities and individuals.
As Iranian’s leading information services and IT Solution provider company, EDCO is proud to be helping our customers improve the ways in which they live and work through connection.
IT Services and IT Consulting
HQ Location
#1125 , Mehregan Building , FSTP Fars , Arian Street
Shiraz, Fars, IR
BroadBand ProviderNetwork Managment and Security Soloution ProviderITIL and ITSM Soloutions ProviderColocation & Managed HostingMicrowaveMPLS Connection Providerand High Density Wireless Solution Provider