EMMA is a non-profit organization based in Brussels. Its mission is to promote and protect the interests of European magazine publishers vis-a-vis the Institutions of the European Union: the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council. The main aim of EMMA is to ensure a long-term survival and prosperity of a plural, diverse and economically successful magazine publishing industry in the EU.
In this logic, EMMA defends freedom of expression, thus promoting pluralism and diversity, and ensures that Europe’s periodical press industry remains competitive and vibrant. Moreover EMMA supports self-regulatory mechanisms, backed up by an equitable and balanced legal framework. EMMA also consistently points out that the freedom of commercial communication is an integral part of the overall principle of freedom of expression. Commercial communications are the life-blood of the majority of periodical publications.
Currently, EMMA´s membership is composed of 27 National Associations of periodical press publishers and 21 corporate publishing companies in Europe. Altogether EMMA represents over 15.000 publishers (the vast majority being Small and Medium Sized Enterprises) publishing over 50.000 magazine titles throughout Europe.
To connect with us: http://www.linkedin.com/in/europeanmagmediaassociation.