EIXOS is the first mobile economic observatory.
Where can I place my business? What's going on in this shopping street? Which is the best industrial area or business park to land my company?
We help our users to answer all these questions and many other related.
On EIXOS we provide fresh, reliable data & economic indicators from cities all over the world.
Our data comes from several sources: fieldwork datacollection, produced by our team using geo-mobile tools, open data coming from public administrations, and sensor data (GSM / LBASense technology), provided by our partners.
With all these data we can tell you which is the best place to open your new business, or which commercial / industrial areas are doing well or are depressed.
EIXOS data can also can enrich your BI systems in order to have a better geographical approach and make better decisions.
We provide data bases, reports and a nice web platform that you can browse for free on Eixos.cat.
Our customers are on the private & public sectors, and have very different profiles: multinational companies, SME, city councils, regional governments, but also entrepreneurs.
EIXOS has won several national & international awards:
2012 European Satellite Navigation Award (www.galileo-masters.eu)
2012 Living Lab European Network Award (www.galileo-masters.eu)
2012 LAUS Award for Eixos.cat (www.eixos.cat), web product & concept.
2011 Premi de l'Obra Social de la Fundació PuntCAT.
2011 Premi Excel·lència de la Diada de les Telecomunicacions de Catalunya.