333 Group is a Mongolia-based internet firm focusing on the development and launching Mobile apps in Mongolia and the rest of Asia of three areas of information communication technology (ICT) solutions for small, medium and large-sized businesses and organizations.
The service areas are web and internet strategy, ICT infrastructure, and business solutions. 3E provides an integrated approach to business strategy with respect to the use of ICT technologies. With a strong understanding of business, combined with expertise in a number of platforms, network technologies and software solutions, The Company is in a solid position to design and implement a comprehensive solution to meet clients’ needs.
The 3E is entered the Mongolian market just as its economy booms from immense activity in the resource, retail, and finance sectors. Despite tremendous gains, the private sector still strongly lacks competent IT specialists. 3E provides full service assistance to its clientele, complying with international standards using a staff of both foreign experts and in-country nationals.