E 3, Energetika, Ekologija, Ekonomija, D.O.O.

Utilities, Electricity distribution, Energy, fuel and water · 11 Employees
Phone Number: info@e3.si
Email Address: info@e3.si
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Podjetje E 3 je eden ključnih dobaviteljev električne energije v Sloveniji. S svojo ponudbo, ambicioznimi poslovnimi načrti in razvojno usmerjenostjo skrbi za ekonomsko učinkovite in okolju prijazne vire energije. E 3 energy, ecology, economy E 3 is one of the major electricity suppliers in Slovenia. Our products, ambitious business plans and development orientation all promote efficient and environmentally-friendly energy. We are in the business of energy. We stand for reliable electricity and heat supply and offer a well-designed range of energy services, thus providing our customers with the most appropriate combination of energy sources in view of their needs, as well as promoting energy efficiency. Become our partner and improve your energy competencies. We are committed to the future, and therefore ecology. We ensure high environmental standards. Select our energy solutions and help reduce carbon footprint and increase use of renewable energy sources. A key aspect of any our business relationship is economy. We supply energy from selected sources offering just prices and other conditions, providing also management and advisory services, thus helping you achieve your economic targets.
Year Founded
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Utilities, Electricity distribution, Energy, fuel and water, Energy, Environment, Commodity brokers and commodity futures brokers and dealers, Financial and insurance services, Business Services, Electricity traders
HQ Location
Prvomajska ulica 21 Nova Gorica, 5000, SI
energyecologyeconomye-mobilityelectricitygreen solutionsenergy servicesefficient and environmentally friendly energyco-generation projectsheat production and distribution
  • Prvomajska ulica 21 Nova Gorica, 5000, SI

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Utilities, Electricity distribution, Energy, fuel and water

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