Hello and Welcome to the Dudley Child Executive Recruitment Linkedin page, where we post current articles on things happening within the manufacturing & engineering industry. We also use this page to discuss topics concerning HR, leadership & staff retention for example and to showcase some of our most senior and critical hires.
It would be great to hear your views on some of these topics. Best wishes, DC.
►About Dudley Child
We are a boutique style recruitment business, not beholden to share holders. This gives us the flexibility to create bespoke tailor made fee structures and services that fit your business. We have many years experience in delivering bespoke recruitment assignments that have resulted in net gains to the bottom line and brand equity of many businesses across the manufacturing and engineering sector.
►What are we good at?
Identifying and attracting genuine leaders that can develop and deliver strategy and operational performance.
►Contact us.
If you are looking for strategic, impartial and practical advice on how to source, attract and retain talent, then please contact us via info@dudleychild.co.uk or call 0113 246 8882.
Staffing and Recruiting, Personnel screening, Business Consultancy, Business Services, Employment & Career Resources, Manufacturing
HQ Location
Royal House
28 Sovereign Street
Leeds, West Yorkshire LS1 4BJ, GB
Executive RecruitmentManufacturing RecruitmentExecutive HiresHead HuntersSenior HiresEngineering Recruitmentand Search & Selection