We believe in the railway system!
Dual Inventive sees the railway system as the transportation mode of the future. We strongly believe in the further development and utilisation of the railway system. Technology and innovation are our driving forces.
Dual Inventive develops and produces technology products that serve to make working on the railway infrastructure safer and more efficient, to maximize rail capacity, and to improve the reliability of the railway infrastructure.
Our conviction: Everything is connected wirelessly and monitored in real-time, managed from the cloud – Ubiquitous Rail.
Ubiquitous = present, appearing, or found everywhere.
Pronounced as: /juːˈbɪkwɪtəs
We value being…
- Revolutionary: We are innovative and have the courage to deviate from existing solutions. By using new :’bɪkwɪt s/technologies, existing problems concerning workforce safety and rail capacity are solved in a better way.
- Reliable: We produce reliable technology products. Reducing the human factor in critical processes to create high-end safe and protected work areas is one of our missions.
- Co-inventive: We work in co-creation with passionate professionals on the basis of reciprocity, openness and trust. Our innovations are created through collaboration with and being open to a variety of partners and new technologies.