DDi (Drink & Drive Intelligently) is a designated driver company that services Minnesota’s greater metropolitan Twin Cities. Our goal is simple: we want to provide people with the means to get themselves and their car home safe after a night of drinking, eliminating the need to drink and drive. For each drive request we receive, we provide our clients with two drivers, one who drives the client home in their own vehicle, and another who follows in a separate vehicle to transport the first driver once the trip is complete.
Since 2005, DDi has provided a professional and personable designated driver service. Whether it’s a night on the town, a wedding, or dinner and drinks with friends, finish your night on a high note by choosing DDi to drive you and your car home. DDi drivers are discreet, well-mannered, and most importantly, safe drivers. All our drivers use GPS to pick you up on time and bring you home quickly and safely. For all your safe transportation needs in the Twin Cities metro area, choose DDi.
When you’ve had a couple of drinks, DDi provides a simple answer to the question, “how should I get home?” Rather than getting a cab and leaving your car behind, choose DDi. You drink, we drive!