In 2011, seasoned doula colleagues and friends Tara Brooke and Gina Giordano joined forces and co-founded Doula Trainings International (DTI). After running their individual businesses Power of Birth and Bella Belly for years, they both knew what they needed to sustain and to prosper as doulas. They realized that together they could create a new model of doula trainings that offered doulas the kind of start they deserve. DTI was born!
Since then, DTI has trained hundreds of doulas across North America and continues to grow. DTI has re-imagined what it looks like to become a doula, offering a rich and supportive 9-month program which includes ongoing mentorship, business skills and in-depth video classes that complement a rigorous initial workshop, an extensive reading list, and practical experience requirements. Thanks to the contributions of former co-leader Aimee Brill, DTI has brought social justice and equality into its core values, ensuring that our community brings not only the profession but also society forward.
A new day is dawning for birth visionaries. DTI knows that doulas can follow their calling to serve families and be supported to run a profitable, thriving birth business. DTI is growing with basic and advanced doula trainings all over the country and plans to expand abroad in 2016. We’re committed to creating solutions that propel doulas into a central role in transforming maternity care. We’re proud to say that DTI has created a new and innovative model of doula trainings.