Dog Ear Publishing

Book and Periodical Publishing · 11 Employees
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Self Publishing has never been easier, faster or more profitable. Until now, to publish a book was expensive, frustrating, and time consuming. You tried to find a literary agent who might or might not ever submit your manuscript to a book publisher. And a traditional publisher rejects nearly 98% of all book manuscripts. Those that do make it through the process? 70% FAIL in the market. Even having a traditional book publisher is no guarantee of success. But - Dog Ear Publishing has the answer for all writers wondering how to publish a book. At Dog Ear Publishing, you can publish a book in about 12 weeks. You own the copyright and you are in control of how we publish your book. Our site is full of resources for self publishing, and we'll help you all along your journey answering all your questions of how to publish a book, from book publishing basics to book marketing and selling. Need only self publishing printing? We can provide those services too. Dog EarPublishing gives you the choice of how you publish your own manuscript. Avoid the rejection letters from the traditional book publishing establishment and literary agents. At Dog Ear Publishing, you control the future of your publishing dream - publish a book today! To discover what we can teach you about how to publish a book or if you are ready to begin your self publishing journey - read on through our site. We are glad you are here!
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Book and Periodical Publishing
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4011 Vincennes Rd Indianapolis, IN 46268, US
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  • 4011 Vincennes Rd Indianapolis, IN 46268, US

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