Doctors of Physical Therapy is a therapist owned company, founded by Aaron N. Kraai, PT, DPT. Our mission is to deliver the highest quality care to all of our patients. We are achieving this goal by employing only doctorate level therapists, and delivering exceptional one-on-one care. You will be treated by the same therapist throughout your case. The same therapist = continuity of care. We provide quality, evidence-based treatment.
The KEY aspect of our business model, only hiring doctorate level therapists makes us a stand-out from other PT providers. We do not utilize physical therapy assistants or athletic trainers to render care. This results in higher quality care for the same copay. We want everyone to be an educated healthcare consumer. Know the quality of the PT provider and pay for the best. It's your co-pay, pay for the highest level therapist possible. The results are different!
We also provide outpatient rehab clinics within your company location. For information visit or contact Marilyn Huber at
Hospitals and Health Care, Fitness & Exercise, Physical Therapists
HQ Location
2547 Plainfield Naperville Road
Suite 152
Naperville, IL 60564, US
Injury PreventioSports PerformanceWorkers' CompensatioWork ConditioningPre-Surgical ConditioningPost-Surgical RehabilitatioJoint PaiSciaticBalance ProblemsJaw/Facial Pai