Docomomo US/MN is the Minnesota Chapter of the International Docomomo organization.
Docomomo stands for DOcumentation and COnservation of buildings, sites and neighborhoods of the MOdern MOvement.
DOCOMOMO promotes the study, interpretation and protection of the architecture, landscape and urban design of the Modern Movement. It promotes the exchange of knowledge about this important legacy which extends from the planned city and the iconic monument to the house next door.
Founded in 1988 in The Netherlands, today it has national chapters or working parties in 54 countries and over 2000 individual members. It is an important presence in conservation and in architectural culture, worldwide, working in partnership with other international organizations, national governments, and regional and national associations.
Docomomo's mission is to:
-act as watchdog when important modern movement buildings anywhere are under threat
-exchange ideas relating to conservation technology, history and education
-foster interest in the ideas and heritage of the modern movement
-elicit responsibility towards this recent architectural inheritance.