DocZone: The industry's first hosted XML content management and single-source publishing solution.
The power of XML content management and publishing...finally made affordable as an "on demand" solution!® offers an " all-inclusive " XML-based environment as a hosted application. Our customers are realizing the dramatic benefits of DocZone's compelling combination: the power of XML content management and single-source publishing, coupled with the industry-leading Software as a Service (SaaS) business model:
* Web-based content creation to support a distributed set of authors.
* Management of reusable content components, to eliminate the need for copy/paste of information between multiple documents.
* Automated workflow to support the entire content production lifecycle.
* Integrated translation memory to support the streamlined localization of content into 68 languages for a global audience.
* "Push-button" single-source publishing to multiple output formats, including PDF, HTML, MS-Word, and eBook.'s turn-key platform can be "up and running" in 30 days, with an XML-based system to manage multilingual content and automated production of technical documentation, journals, training manuals, online help, and website content... all for just a low subscription fee.
IT Services and IT Consulting
HQ Location
25 Riverside St, Nashua NH, 03062-1379
XML content managementSingle-source publishingWeb-based content creationReusable content managementAutomated workflowTranslation memoryContent localizationMultilingual content managementTechnical documentation production
Hosted XML content managementSingle-source publishing solutionWeb-based content creationReusable content component managementAutomated workflowIntegrated translation memoryPush-button single-source publishingMultilingual content managementAutomated production of technical documentationJournalsTraining manualsOnline helpWebsite content
DITAxmlcomponent content managementCMSsingle source publishing