The Dão Board Commission (CVR) is the entity that represents the interests of the economic operators involved in the production and marketing of wine (or other wine products) that have the Denomination of Origin (DOC). It is for this body to guarantee its genuineness and quality, so submit to strict coordination and control. These activities encompass the entire circuit of the production and marketing of wines, with the exclusive presence of technical verification of the organism in all operations.
Simultaneously, the C.V.R. Dão presents functions of certification and authentication of wines, through the awarding of seals, being responsible for its promotion.
Now 100 years passed from the date on which the Portuguese State laid the foundations of the Constitution of the demarcated Dão wines, C.V.R. is and renew it self, seeking to stimulate the taste for quality wines and help establish the wine lovers to their demands.
In legal terms the C.V.R. presents itself in the form of regional association, legal person governed by private law and public utilities, with indefinite duration.