Owing to the combined efforts of our team of professionals, we are able to offer leather bags, leather products & accessories that includes ladies handbags, leather woven bags, leather totes, gents handbags, canvas bags, promotional items and corporate gifts, leather garments, belts & accessories and travel backpacks.
To meet the varied requirements of our valued clients, we offer them with customization facility that is carried out by our team of trained professionals. Further, we have also divided the production process into number of stages such as preparatory stages; tanning and crusting that enable us to assure our clients with a flawless range of products. Our on-time deliveries, ethical business practices and quality products have enabled us to garner a huge clientele in the domestic as well as in the international market such as in Europe.
Retail Apparel and Fashion, Tyres Machinery, Tyre Retreading Machine, Automobile Repair Tools & Equipment, Automobile, Home Dehumidifier, Dehumidifiers, Industrial Air Conditioner & Devices, Electronics & Electrical, Humidifying Equipment
HQ Location
372, Sector 37, Udyog Vihar, Phase 6
Gurgaon, Haryana (India) 122 001,, IN
Innovative designsProper customized provisionPremium quality leatherand Timely delivery of consignmentspyrolysis plantwaste tyre pyrolysis planttyre recycle machinery