For 18 years, DivinaLaw has championed dynamic lawyering—becoming an institution recognized by its peers, respected by its competition, and cherished and relied upon by its clients. It is a full-service law firm in the Philippines that provides prompt, proactive, and results-oriented service to ensure client satisfaction.
The Firm offers depth and range in experience and resources while fostering a professional and collaborative work ethic.
Litigation, Corporate & Special Projects, Labor, Arbitration & Alternative Dispute Resolution, Energy, Tax & Estate Planning, Intellectual Property, Immigration & Naturalization, E-Commerce & Technology, Risk & Crisis Management, and Legal Education, Legislative Advocacy & Policy Reform are the Firm’s 11 major practice areas.
As a testament to its unparalleled commitment to legal excellence, the Firm has consistently been recognized as a leading law firm in the Philippines. The Asia Business Law Journal has named DivinaLaw as an award-winning firm in the categories of Banking and Finance (2019, 2020, 2021), Corporate and Commercial (2019, 2020), Litigation (2020, 2021, 2022), Private Equity and Venture Capital (2019, 2020), Restructuring and Insolvency (2019, 2021, 2022), Data Compliance (2022) and Insurance and Reinsurance (2022).
DivinaLaw has won as Banking and Financial Services Law Firm of the Year (2023), Fintech Law Firm of the Year (2023), Arbitration Law Firm of the Year (2022), Data Privacy and Protection Law Firm of the Year (2022), Immigration Law Firm of the Year (2018), and Labor and Employment Law Firm of the Year (2016) in the Asian Legal Business (ALB) Philippine Law Awards.
To further strengthen the Firm’s corporate, commercial, and arbitration-related services, the Firm has maintained a strong partnership with 13 local law firms in key locations throughout the Philippines.