Our firm was founded in 1999 with an entrepreneurial spirit that drives us today. At DRG, we create tailored furniture solutions to build quality work environments. We do this work for established and newly formed businesses throughout the United States. Our services are focused and strategic in scope.
We are believers in growing with our clients and investing in these relationships. Our relationships are built on trust, respect and great work. Our goal is for our clients to view us as valued consultants and team members.
At Diversified Resource Group, we help our clients navigate the numerous vendors and products on the market to determine the best office needs available. We are independent advisors and trusted advocates on our clients’ behalf. The majority of our clients have turned to DRG for their office environments for many years and through multiple build outs, expansions and moves. They always know what to expect and have confidence in DRG to deliver the best solution possible and always do the right thing.