Diversified Design & Manufacturing, headquartered near Milwaukee, WI supplies high-quality, high-precision design, tooling, manufacturing and specialty machining to customers throughout the globe. Specializing in the design and build of close tolerance tooling and machinery, we have earned the reputation as the tight tolerance experts. Diversified Design & Manufacturing of Wisconsin, Inc. builds the industry’s best:
• gages (design, build, restoration, re-engineering of all types of gages),
• automation and assembly fixtures (pressing machines, valve assemblies, production line automation),
• components (gages, fixtures, molds, dies, presses, production equipment),
• tooling (custom design & build, bridge tooling),
• prototypes (machined, 3D rapid prototyping), and
• custom manufactured parts
Specifically, Diversified Design & Manufacturing of Wisconsin, Inc. designs using a variety of software platforms including, but not limited to Solidworks, Autodesk Inventor, VISI, CATIA, Creo/Pro-E, and NX.
Our manufacturing capabilities includes, but is not limited to: 3D Computer Numeric Control (CNC), Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM), jig grinding, surface grinding, lathe-turning, cylindrical grinding, ID/OD grinding, milling,
Our testing and inspection services include, but are not limited to: automated testing, endurance testing, thermal cycle testing, stand-out measuring, finite element analysis, statistical process analysis, and secondary process testing. We offer complete inspection services.
AS-9100 Certified. Committed to the highest quality.
CAGE: 5UR60. JCP Certification 0082095
Join our team! We are a world-class manufacturer committed to the success of our customers, the relentless pursuit of excellence and a culture of teamwork and continuous improvement.