The oldest community-mediation program in Minnesota, the Dispute Resolution Center (DRC), was created in 1982 as a pilot project co-sponsored by the Ramsey County Bar Association, the City of St. Paul, and the Minnesota Supreme Court. DRC is certified as a Community Dispute Resolution Program (CDRP) under Section §494.015, subd. 2 administered by the Supreme Court, and is in compliance with Chapter 494 Operational Guidelines in all mediation processes, training for Mediators, and in all reporting requirements.
DRC is the only program offering East Metro Area residents with limited means free and low-cost volunteer-based mediation and facilitation services in court and community settings. DRC’s mission is to promote the constructive resolution of conflict through open communication and shared decision-making. DRC also offers a range of restorative justice methods -- including victim-offender mediation, large- and small-group facilitation, circle processes, and family-group conferencing. DRC continues to serve residents and businesses that traditionally do not seek service from other types of service providers. The overarching goal of DRC is to provide accessible, effective, and affordable alternative dispute resolution services to assist community members in the resolution of conflict -- respectfully and nonviolently.