Direct Aid - العون المباشر

Direct Aid - العون المباشر specializes in Non-profit Organization Management with 5001 employees
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About Direct Aid - العون المباشر
Direct Aid started in 1981 by Dr. Abdul Rahman Al Sumait "from Kuwait" as a voluntarily non-governmental institution interesting in the development in Africa & after world wide. Direct Aid Internationally: - Recognized for excellence 3 Star – 2021 from European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). - Sponsorship of more than 16,640 students with scholarships. - Sponsorship of more than 83,245 orphans. - Enrolled students in universities and colleges are more than 47,984 students. - Establishing, running and managing 6 hospitals. - Building and running 326 clinics. - Building and running 314 regular schools from kindergarten to high schools. - Building more than 5,992 mosques in various African countries. - Drilling more than 24,945 surface and artesian wells to provide fresh water to people in poor and remote areas in Africa and Yemen. - Establishing 4 radio stations in Africa and operating 2496 radio programs in 19 countries. - Establishing and running 79 women vocational training and rehabilitation centers. - Establishing and running 4 universities with comprehensive academic disciplines. - Building and running 25 Islamic institutes. - Executing more than 7,768 health programs (surgical camp, eyes camp, vaccination campaign, circumcision, medical convoy). - Conducting more than 16,495 development projects for the benefit of poor families. - Forming several air bridges for relief to transport urgent aids to drought and famine areas in various African countries, and sending 700,000 tons of aids, medicine, food and clothing. - DAO consists of 7,745 employees, including 170 employees in Kuwait and the rest are based in African countries and Yemen. Where we work: Tunisia/South Africa/Mozambique/Ghana/Ethiopia/Kenya/Tanzania & Zanzibar/Madagascar/Zimbabwe/Zambia/Sudan /Somalia/Chad/Niger/Mauritania/Burkina Faso/Comoros/Mali/Malawi/Uganda/Benin/Central African Republic/Gambia/Togo/Guinea Bissau/Rwanda/Guinea/Sierra Leone/Senegal/Yemen.
Year Founded
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Non-profit Organization Management
HQ Location Building Hawalli, Kuwait 1414 Safat 13015 Kuwait, KW
Direct Aid - العون المباشر Location
  • Building Hawalli, Kuwait 1414 Safat 13015 Kuwait, KW

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Direct Aid - العون المباشر specializes in the Non-profit Organization Management field