DIGITECH HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIMITED is a company which is registered under the company act 2007 in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
The objective is to cater the Sri Lankan Enterprises with world Tried and Tested Systems to uplift their digital platform to increase customer growth.
We are with an industry experienced professionals who have over a decade of industry experience reaching the SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE ENTERPRISES with best fit solutions
Our focus has a wide spectrum in IT Products and Services which are globally tested and proven across industries.
We design and implement business critical systems and services using world tried and tested technologies for the bellow categories
- Data Centers
- Server and Desktop Virtualization
- Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
- Corporate Networks and Switching
- IT Security Solutions
- Automated Backup Solutions
- Storage and Backup Appliances
- Software and Web Developments
- Extra Low Voltage Projects
- IT Service Management
IT Services and IT Consulting
HQ Location
Thalahena Junction, Thalahena
Battaramulla, Western Province, LK
Data Center SolutionsServer ClusteringServer and Desktop VirtualizationERP SystemsLAN and WANIT Security SolutionsAutomated Backup SolutionsStorage and Backup AppliancesSoftware and Web DevelopmentsELV Projects