Digital Wash Plant provides marketing & business consultative services for small to medium sized businesses. We specialize in online, digital & retail solutions and improvements. SMB's are often stuck in a place where they really need a seasoned marketing expert but unfortunately feel they aren't able to justify the full-time cost. Digital Wash Plant helps fill that gap, providing experienced insights & services on a part-time affordable basis.
In gold mining, a finely tuned machine called a Wash Plant is used to separate valuable, but extremely fine particles or flakes of gold from worthless piles of rocks & dirt. Without proper calibration, gold will be lost and discarded out the back end of the machine along with the dirt and rocks.
A wash plant is a fitting analogy for your business. The piles of dirt & rocks processed through the wash plant are similar to your marketing efforts or people who enter your business. If your business isn't finely tuned & prepared to efficiently handle those marketing leads or people then you're likely to lose them, similar to how an inefficient wash plant fails to capture the gold & sadly discards it.
Do you need help finding gold-rich material to process through your business? Do you need help finding where the inefficiencies are in your business process? If so, let's sit down & see how we can help.