Digital Twin Corporation is a Central American agtech startup focused on supply chain optimization.
Agricultural supply chains around the world face great challenges that make them fragile and inefficient. Failures in the supply chain processes cause extremely high product losses that are difficult to detect. Between 30-40% of all agricultural products suffer physical damage during post-harvest processes, causing enormous environmental, social and economic impact. For example, a single 3,000-hectare pineapple field annually loses approximately 60,000 tons of fruit with a market value of over $20.4 million.
In addition, there are major gaps in product traceability. Poor traceability leads to fraud, illegal sourcing, mislabeling, and breach of quality standards, particularly with imported produce.
Our goal is to digitalize the fresh produce industry, capturing and integrating the complete flow of information to improve food quality and safety. To achieve this, we have developed a prototype IoT platform that uses fruit-shaped devices (Digital Twins) that mimic the physical characteristics of real fruit.
These digital twins are inserted into produce batches at harvest time and travel alongside the real fruit end-to-end throughout the supply chain, capturing agricultural and process information through internal sensors and tablets.
This allows us to generate real-time predictive information to help growers and exporters make appropriate decisions to reduce waste (e.g., re-route shipment to reach nearer market), and also provide a permanent, unalterable record of contracts, transactions, and documents for a complete supply chain traceability and quality standards compliance.