Deutsche Payment A1M SE is
- Global Payment Provider
- One-stop shop solution (Asset-light solution for E-commerce)
- Payments on demand (so-called Uberization in payments)
- Payment optimization for business success of any vertical (merchants)
Listed on the Düsseldorf stock exchange (public, transparent & reliable)
We help merchants
- sell more & expand fast by providing single access to multiple (250+) payment methods & acquirers (100+) worldwide (160+ countries)
We orchestrate the best (processing) rates for merchants' success & help find missing payments (multiway reconciliation tool)
We go the extra mile & share our expertise in payments (20+years)
Advantages and Benefits (for merchants):
- instant access to multiple payment methods worldwide
- one/ single & simple integration for all acquirers/ PSPs worldwide - to replace or add new acquirers /PSPs easily and fast (click and get - Asset-light solution for eCommerce)
- increase acceptance rate
- decrease chargebacks
- reduce processing costs
- maximize revenue
- process payments more efficiently
- prevent fraud (multilayered & award-winning anti-fraud system)
- high secured, high performance (capacity) & fail-safe payment platform
We invite you to explore a new business opportunity together -