Designed Alloy Products, Inc. provides Cobalt & Nickel based alloys, Stainless steel, Tool and Alloy steels.
We provide products in the following forms:
• 21 lbs ingot
• Shot
• Continuous cast rod • 2000 lb. Argon Induction Heats
• 10,000 lb. Refined Heats
Designed Alloy’s services include metallurgical assistance and a modern analytical laboratory.
In addition, Designed Alloys has a raw material and scrap division.
The scrap and raw materials division is operated at our Aurora, IL facility, where material is processed and verified to meet strict quality control standards. We buy and sell scrap – turnings – grindings –powders of all Cobalt and Nickel based alloys. In addition we also purchase and sell Tungsten, Tungsten carbide, Densalloy and Hevimet scrap and grindings.
Designed Alloys will be able to provide you with your raw material needs, such as Cobalt, Molybdenum, Titanium, Tantalum, Nickel, Tungsten etc.