Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service Corporation is Western Australia's largest Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (ACCHO), providing culturally responsive primary health care services to over 20,000 patients across four clinics in the Perth metropolitan area.
At Derbarl Yerrigan Health Service (DYHS) our focus is on prevention, early intervention, comprehensive care and care coordination, including chronic disease management.
Our values of cultural integrity, equity & social justice, honesty, professionalism, quality care and respect continue to empower DYHS to start each day with a sense of purpose and end with an accomplishment. At DYHS we pride ourselves on building strong relationships with our patients, community, funders and partners to better serve our Aboriginal Community.
Our highly skilled, welcoming and friendly staff's continuous commitment to working collaboratively enable the successful delivery of our primary health services, dental services, chiropractic, podiatry, counselling and specialist access to our patients in an effective, efficient and comfortable environment.
As a not-for-profit health care provider, we return all surpluses into the Aboriginal community we serve by enhancing our patients, social, emotional, cultural and physical wellbeing which are core to the services we provide, here at DYHS by updating and expanding our services and programs, facilities and equipment maintenance.