The University of Reading is one of the UK’s leading research intensive universities. We have a proud history. In 2016 we celebrated the 90th anniversary of being granted a Royal Charter. From our appointment of the UK’s first female professor, Edith Morley, to the social reform campaigner Lord Wolfenden being our Vice-Chancellor, we have 100,000 alumni and students at the top of their professions in academia, arts, broadcasting, business, government and sport.
Our Chemistry Department has been in existence from 1892, when the University was originally founded as was an extension of Christ Church, University of Oxford under the name University College, Reading. The Department moved to Whiteknights Campus in 1967 (for more information about the history of the University see this link:
We are a medium-sized Department, known for our friendly staff an collegiate atmosphere. We hope that this page will provide a forum for our alumni to keep in touch, and we will share opportunities for placements, jobs and departmental news through this portal.