The Denver Urban Renewal Authority (DURA) was created by the City and County of Denver in 1958 to assist in the redevelopment of blighted property and help foster the sound growth and development of Denver.
Working with residents, businesses, civic leaders, area developers, and financing institutions, DURA provides financial assistance to support redevelopment activities throughout the city. These include single family home rehabilitation, emergency home repair, historic preservation, brownfield redevelopment, infill development, and neighborhood revitalization, among others.
DURA’s programmatic activities are separated into two departments, Housing and Redevelopment.
DURA’s Housing Department administers the city’s Single Family Rehabilitation and Emergency Home Repair programs, providing low interest loans and grants to low and moderate income Denver residents for making needed repairs to their owner-occupied homes. For income guidelines, downloading an application, or more information on these programs, please visit the Housing Rehabilitation program portion of our website.
DURA’s Redevelopment Department oversees the Authority’s urban renewal activities, including Tax Increment Financing (TIF) assistance for redevelopment of blighted areas throughout the city. Information about DURA’s redevelopment activities, how TIF works, or downloading an application, can be found at the Redevelopment program portion of our website at