Delft Inversion is a market leading technology company that specialises in seismic modelling and inversion algorithms that are based on the full elastic wave-equation. The company's headquarters in Delft, Netherlands, and it has been at the forefront of seismic data analysis, interpretation, and reservoir characterisation for more than ten years. Delft Inversion’s technology portfolio can be accessed via the highly skilled and experienced service team or by using the company’s proprietary HELIOS software package.
Delft Inversion's advanced modelling and inversion technology is built for geoscientists and engineers to obtain accurate subsurface elastic properties and construct better geological model. The elastic properties provide a more informed decision and are applied across exploration, development, and production of hydrocarbon, geothermal and CCUS resources. By deploying the elastic wave-equation, Delft Inversion removes the fundamental limiting assumption of primary reflections being the only energy present in the seismic data. Through the proper accounting for seismic wave-propagation phenomena including interbed multiples, mode conversion and transmission effects the conventional linear modelling and inversion limitations are removed and the result is the Wave Equation Based AVO (WEB-AVO) inversion.
Delft Inversion's technology and software portfolio is highly sought-after and trusted by leading energy companies worldwide. This statement is supported by more than 100 subsurface projects performed to date. With the commercial launch of the HELIOS software at the EAGE conference last year we are proud to say that we now have a growing community of users. At Delft Inversion we have a strong and committed team of experts, who work closely with our clients to customise solutions to meet their specific needs.