Decker Poole, PLLC was created by Kelly and Olyn to service clients who want excellent legal advice and representation with a family feel. Kelly and Olyn are active members of their community and are dedicated to their three kids. Together, they offer their clients a combined 27 years of experience.
Clients were good to Decker Poole, PLLC in 2017 and to better serve them, Dawn King and Andrew McAlester joined the firm in 2017 and 2018 respectively. Four lawyers means Decker Poole, PLLC isn’t so little anymore. “Adding lawyers meant more and faster client service and we have loved being able to be in more than one place at one time”, says Kelly.
Decker Poole, PLLC now offers legal representation in real estate, small estate planning, family law, corporate law, commercial civil litigation, landlord tenant, construction law and now DWI defense.
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