Databasement (, recently acquired by Proact IT Group AB, is a leading provider of data management solutions and services in the Benelux and Spain. With today more than 5 Petabytes under management, Databasement is one of the largest suppliers of data management services in the Benelux.
Company data is an organisation's most valuable asset. It should therefore always be safe, available and simple to move. It is therefore our mission to help organisations realise these extremely important aspects. We do so by making use of innovative technologies and solutions.
For the past eight years, Databasement has been working with a strategic approach, staying ahead of evolving modern day requirements, combining local projects with various data management services. We call this approach the ‘hybrid business model'.
Make or buy' is a choice which organisations often have to consider to roll out new services. When it comes to the IT infrastructure, the choice is not always crystal clear. Transition and transformation are key words in this discussion. The IT infrastructure can be adapted, step by step, until the right combination of internal IT infrastructure and internal or external cloud services has been reached. Ultimately the hybrid business model gives organisations the choice of keeping control of their own IT infrastructure (locally), partially local, or contracting it out by making use of various cloud services.