Data Profits offers a true SaaS inventory management, demand forecasting, and planning application. Their award winning software, iKIS 5.2, includes tools for vendor collaboration and supply chain management.
Data Profits delivers industry-leading consumer insight, demand forecasting, BI analytics, and planning tools. The SaaS iKIS solution enables retailers to efficiently and optimally leverage their human capital through exception management. iKIS handles the vast majority of product / location management without the need of manual adjustments. The small percentage of product / locations that require manual review quickly bubble up to your employees and vendors.
Business Intelligence comes standard. Customers never pay extra for analytics and reporting to help them be more successful. Our business is your business.
Our software suite forecasts sales, inventory, seasonal indices, event projections, lead times, and vendor order cycles. We handle the math and provide our customers with succinct, actionable results. Sales and inventory management has never been this simple, accurate, easy, and affordable.
Data Profits iKIS software service provides a simple, fast method for retailers to see their information and act on the demand forecast, alerts, and create orders. Drag and drop customization and sharing tools enable users to set up performance metrics and scorecards that they can share with their various user groups instantly.
Follow: @DataProfits
Software Development, Supply Chain Management Software, Software, Other, Order Processing Software, RFID Inventory Control Software, Database Management Software, Chromatography Software, Business Intelligence Software, CAD Piping Software
HQ Location
Norcross, GA 30093, US
SaaS Inventory ReplenishmentDemand ForecastingDemand PlanningCPFR (CollaborativePlanningForecastingReplenishment)Inventory OptimizatioLead Time ForecastingMulti Echelo