Data Power Technology Group is a manufacturers' representative providing premium products, excellent engineering and technical knowledge, and superior service for the commercial and industrial HVAC and electrical industry.
Data Power Technology
Precision cooling and power protection solutions for IT and mission critical applications.
Representing: Liebert, Emerson Network Power, ASCO, Haskris, EnviroGuard, PQI, Vycon, and others.
DPT Mechanical
Engineered environmental solutions serving Iowa and Illinois.
Representing: Air Flow, Berner, CDI, ClimaCool, Dadanco, Dectron, ETI, Krueger, LG, Marley/SPX, Mason Ind., PennBarry, Roberts-Gordon, Square D, TMI, York/JCI, and many others.
Data Power Mechanical
Engineered environmental solutions serving Nebraska.
Representing: Air Flow, CDI, ClimaCool, Johnson Controls, Krueger, Marley/SPX, Mason Ind., Semco, Square D, TMI, YORK and many others.
DPT Service
Providing factory certified parts and service for our products.
Emergency service, preventative maintenance, equipment start-up and support.