Dashdoc was created in September 2017 by Benoit Joncquez, Corentin Smith, Paul-Hubert des Minières and Arthur Ouaki with the objective of becoming the first SaaS road transport software system in France. In 2017, we sold our first app, Truckfly to Michelin in order to invest in Dashdoc. It then had over 100k MAU.
At Dashdoc, we believe that having better access to the transport data from the transport order to the billing is a basic need. Because it is a professional challenge and a poorly digitalized sector, it should be super simple and user-friendly.
We challenge the actual solutions by crafting beautifully designed tools that help our users to gather all road transport orders data, take the right decisions and share it with other stakeholders, with minimal effort.
Focused on user-experience, Dashdoc centralizes all data and automatize all processes from a transport order from the shipping order until the billing. We help our customers order faster, access information better, bill faster and share all information.