In the multimedia solutions division, we produce and market fibre-optic, coaxial and data cables. From cables for network technology, for TV and film studios and industrial communication, cables in tunnels and for mobile communication, we rely on innovation so that we can begin laying the foundations for future communication solutions, today. Although virtually everyone uses a mobile phone nowadays, the large majority of applications still operate using cable-based infrastructure. Whether you require network solutions to conduct your business yourself or would like to use our products and solutions as a wholesale retailer, reseller or original equipment manufacturer, we can help you meet current and future requirements thanks to our wide range, longer service life, maximum reliability and other advantages.
Studios - films, TV, Media, Marketing, Advertising & the Media, Cables & Networks, Telecommunications - services, Datenübertragungskabel, Lebensmitteltechnik, Fernsehgeräte, Broschürenfertigung, Multimedia-Kabel
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