Mi smo DNA Communications. Više od dve decenije PRO-aktivno radimo na komunikaciji iz strateškog i kreativnog ugla, za komercijalne klijente i inicijative koje smatramo važnim i potrebnim društvu.
Kao agencija s domaćim i stranim klijentima iz najrazličitijih industrija, raznovrsnim i jedinstvenim timom, stremimo ka velikim PRO-menama. Često govorimo klijentima šta im je potrebno i pre nego što to shvate. A redovno pokrećemo i svoje PRO-jekte iza kojih ponosno stojimo.
We are DNA Communications. For more than two decades, we been PRO-actively working on communication from a strategic and creative point of view, for commercial clients and initiatives that we consider PRO-gressive and necessary for the society.
As an agency with both local and foreign clients, coming from a variety of industries, a diverse and unique team, we strive for great changes. We often tell clients what they need even before they realize it. And we regularly launch our own PRO-jects, which we proudly stand behind.