Die Denkfabrik Gmbh (Literally: The Think Factory)

Information Services, Industrial development consultants, Services to businesses · 2 Employees
Phone Number: info@denkfabrik.de
Email Address: info@denkfabrik.de
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Intelligence is our Pas­sion At DIE DENKFABRIK (literally: the Think Factory) we are extre­mely pas­sionate about intel­ligence. We have pur­sued our pas­sion and evolved into a leading, global and repu­table pro­vi­der of compe­titive and market intel­ligence services. Since the company was founded in 1992 we have developed a wide, loyal client base and worked on many inter­national projects for large corpora­tions and small organi­sations alike. Our exper­tise lies in helping our clients manage compe­titive issues and drive perfor­mance and advan­tage on the basis of their compe­titive and market intel­ligence, regardless of company size and indus­try. Do you need to find out speci­fic infor­mation about your comp­eti­tors? How well do you know your compe­ti­tors? How often are you surprised by compe­titive activi­ties or client behaviors? How profi­table are your invest­ments? How success­ful is your company compared with the compe­tition? All of these questions can be answered by finding out the right intel­ligence. We can help! We can offer you: A tailored global compe­titive intel­ligence pro­ject Coaching services for setting up an internal Compe­titive Intel­ligence Center Intelligence coaching (e.g. war games, analy­tical support, and sce­na­rio develop­ment) Competitive intelligence training and certi­fi­cation (delivered by our partner the Institute for Compe­titive Intel­ligence)
Year Founded
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Information Services, Industrial development consultants, Services to businesses, Business Services
HQ Location
Kugelherrenstraße 1 Butzbach, Hesse 35510, DE
Competitive IntelligenceMarket IntelligenceWar gamesScenariosCritical ThinkingB2B Market researchBattle Cardsand Implementation of In-house CI/MI
  • Kugelherrenstraße 1 Butzbach, Hesse 35510, DE

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Information Services, Industrial development consultants, Services to businesses

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