DAIC (Developmental Assessment & Intervention Center) in Bedford Hills, NY; and Greenwich, CT specializes in cutting edge comprehensive psycho-educational testing services for children, ages three and up, including adults, as well as providing cognitive behavioral therapy for children and guidance for parents. By developing treatment protocols; coordinating special services and advocating for the child in their school DAIC arms parents with the expertise, test results, diagnosis, plan of action and support necessary to maximize their child’s unique potential.
DAIC also offers: expert Neuropsychological testing, Adult Cognitive Fitness testing, Individual, Family and Group therapy, Speech/Language therapy, Occupational therapy and ImPACT pre & post concussion testing.
DAIC (rhythms with 'Cake") was founded by Dr. Risa Tabacoff, a New York State licensed psychologist who has been successfully treating children and adults for over 20 years. Dr. Tabacoff has a PhD in Developmental Psychology, a Master's degree in Special Education, and a Master's degree in Creative Expressive Therapy. She has an intimate knowledge of the intricacies of navigating successfully through school systems and of the special service providers needed to improve a child's success rate.