Cyan Technology is a full service network security and infrastructure optimization company built to assist organizations in solving complex issues. Today’s organizations are tasked with managing an enormous amount of information. Network security issues, disparate networks, outdated technologies and complex regulatory environments, with applicable laws and regulations, could adversely affect your bottom line.
Convoluted reports, disjointed processes and lack of information add “insult to injury.” It is a time-consuming and complex task to evaluate networks, review technologies and adapt to these changes to fully comply with state and local requirements—or risk serious fiscal and legal ramifications.
At Cyan Technology, our focus on people, hardware, software, technology, and a methodology that makes IT work for everyone. We provide a one stop solution for all things IT.
Our goal is to help you grow your business by removing barriers and “right-sizing” technology solutions while avoiding costly IT distractions.
Cutting through the clutter to provide you with tailor-made solutions designed for your business and your processes is our specialty.